general in Friday Night Funkin' mobile port

Share your creations!

Да, это новые спрайты Нюши и Бараша. Так как 3-я и 4-я неделя будут обновлены также как и 1-я и -2-я неделя из прошлого обновления

Hey guys, im making a sml fnf mod i need workers to work on it i need charters and artists. I am a composer my self add me if you want to join Add me at bloxygamingxyt on discord

Hey guys, im making a sml fnf mod i need workers to work on it i need everything composer artist coders charters people who can make chromatics everything else a mod needs i am a composer my self add me if you want to join Add me bloxygamingxyt on discord

render for the song turbulation

концепты Лунтика ехе

New fnf star butterfly icon normal and losing



I WAS NOT THAT READY FOR THAT MOBILE GAME,you know i like fnf anf fnaf, it's a really great duo fan game to make.I played this game thinking it would be bad BUT I WAS TERRIBLY WRONG,there was a pub everytime you ended a music but wow,im speechless..
